A bitter pill to swallow

We are born, in this world, with a pure brain
By standing on the earth, our hearts start growing like a grain.
If we grow up in a bad society
Our hearts will look like a grain seeded in a bad soil.
We will suffer to grow with anxiety
And our hearts' blood will always boil.

I have been pregnant of the bitterness of ethnicity
Let me deliver that bitter pill to swallow.
I want everyone to quench the fire in my heart's inner hollow
Ignited by racial segregation and ethnic atrocity.

Though no one can convince me, I am looking forward to  understanding
Why people of the same blood can never solve their misunderstanding.

I am afraid no one can well explain
How can nosily or bodily differences push people to quarrel
Until killing each other and become the slain.
God! This is not at all good news to squirrel.

Because a bad history spears our hearts and breaks our bones
Because guns' sounds have made our hearts be thick like stones
We have to cohabit like humans not like animals
We have to get rid of any behaviours of criminals.

Please! I am telling you the truth
If, in our hearts, there is any room of ruth
We will all die like mice, without any person to rescue.
I think no one can refuse that brotherhood is a good cue.

Dear Burundians, there is no pretty or ugly nose
Don't quarrel for nothing; the beauty of a rose
Is not about its shape, but about its appearance in one's eyes.
So, before you spread your fake theories, never tell lies.
Remember that a good place never attract flies
And bear in your mind that a good heart never dies.

It's enough, we do not want to live like fighters
In our homeland and everywhere else, we want to be lighters.
We know where we came from, let's head where we go
If we don't do it right now, we will never well control our ego.

Please! Ethnicity is what destroys this world little by little
Let's then conserve our golden future in a brotherhood's bottle.
Ethnicity is the bitter pill to swallow, the source of hatred
Let's drop it and make love our common well sheeted bed.


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