I can't worry out

It's hard to understand why and how you are still living
When you are passing through life's troubles and thriving
For the betterment of your mankind.
Ow! It's juggling my mind.
Mum said: "Uwo ataco azobona ni uwutavutse"
Dad often says: "Hapfa uwavutse"

I think my parents say all this philosophically
And I, I really understand all their words individually.

When I am calm
I feel I can be soothed by one psalm
But after all, life struggles and comes to betray
While I am doing my pray
And I miss how to continue well
Hitherto, I am forced to tell to earth a farewell.

No! Though life is so bad and sour
Though it can look like a dirty water to pour
I never miss a hope that one day my life will be sweet
I never mind coz there is a good life I am going to meet.

Underestimate me coz of your power
But one day, after this weather of shower
I will use you as a towel and write you on a novel
And you'll never see me again in my hovel.

You are embarrassing my brain
Causing me every kind of pain
But you will never make me the slain.
You are considering me as your prey
But you'll never know where is my life's key.

In spite of this bad meal you are pushing me to cook and swallow
Never think that I will loose my hook to fish what to follow.
You can push me to live tummy empty for years
And after, you will come to to apologize with tears
Streaming and welling up in your eyes
Please! Sorry! I will push you to remember your bad lullabies.

Hey! Man, woman, lady, lad
Though you can see me so sad
I am everyday glad
Even if I am quite often called a mad

God! I never mind, I enjoy all
But they have to know that I've never accepted to fall.
Although I am in a bad situation
And forced to miss all my jubilation
I hope that I will get a good future
Without any fear of my departure.

You may ask me: why such words?
Really, it's because my life is getting worse
Because of many things I can't tell.
But rain or shine, I bet you I will escape to this terrible hell.

I learned that I will never play with life
Coz life is really sharp like a knife.
Being a poet or a prophet
All that I am facing is my delectable buffet.

Boshir Melcky, Burundian Poet


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