I sing You Burundi

                     I sing you Burundi
Because you made me “Umurundi

Yeah! This is a dedication to my beloved country, Burundi
Made by my poetic words from my heart as well as I am Umurundi and a friend of “Abarundi”

To be a “Murundi” is one of many things which make me very happy.
O my country Burundi! To consider you as my only shelter provides me a therapy
Of every kind of worries that pushed me to get a hard life
In such a way my life is very sharp like a knife.

Instead, I sing you every day, every hour, every minute and every second
Because you’re my motherland
And no one can make me understand
That I haven’t access to living on your land
Whereas I inherited you from Dad and Mum
In such a way I always call you my asylum.
                     I sing you Burundi
Because you made me “Umurundi

O my beloved country! I heard by hearsay that overtime, my ancestors
The ones who are known as your good narrators
Had been singing your beauty in a singsong manner with their good voice
And had declared that you were their only choice
Reason why they looked for your security and tranquility
By fighting together everyone who tried to invade you because they wanted your stability.

I too, I promise you to declare your pride and fame
And I will never feel shame.

Seeing your good attractive landscape
Seeing your good climate and topography
Seeing the brightness of your good mountains, your tablelands and your plains
Seeing your national parks and your good natural reserves
Seeing your rivers and lakes
Especially, the Lake Tanganyika that attracts all your children and all foreigners
Who want to swim in its water and to lay on its sands
Seeing how you’re much known over the world
My words in pun rhyme at the rhythm of your good drums
And I declare that to magnify your beauty is really my duty and my everyday task.

                     I sing you Burundi 
Because you made me “Umurundi

O my Burundi, my home, my shelter, heart of Africa
I will always tell your people that you deserve good songs of good singers, good slams of good slam makers, good poems of good poets, good predications of good prophets, and good words of good words-speakers
Because you are really worthy of a good reputation, you are worthy of exaltation, you’re worthy of benediction.

Surely you are very beautiful; you are my home and my shelter
And in spite of any matter
I am still living happy and I try to push your people to think of mutual love and help
To think of brotherhood in their neighborhood
And throughout poetry which was the prestigious art of my ancestors
I will vaunt you in each and every good word

I sing you Burundi because I love you so much
No one will push me to hate you because you are my home
You are my shelter
You are my asylum.
                      I sing you Burundi 
Because you made me “Umurundi


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