The Danger of Witchcraft

This play is about a man and his wife who were married for ten years without getting a child. One day the wife got an idea of looking for an orphan to breed and she told it to his husband. The latter replied that his wife’s idea was good but told her to wait him to go to ask his mother’s viewpoint about her idea. His mother ordered him to force his wife to go to the witch to be treated instead of looking for an orphan to breed.

When his wife heard that they have to go to the witch she refused and his husband and her mother-in-law went alone to the witch. The latter give them a flask full of powder of root medicines and prescribed them how this medicine is taken. Arrived at home, they didn’t proceed as the witch prescribed them because the man put two spoonfuls instead of one in his wife’s meal who was going to be healed and after eating the poisoned food, she died. That man complained and accused his mother to be the source of what has happened and he ate the poisoned food and died too. Her mother regretted and concluded that “the witchcraft is dangerous”.


Bright: Son of Maggie and husband of Tracy
Tracy: Wife of Bright
Maggie: Mother of Bright
Jonson: The witch


ACT I: Scene 1: Tracy and Bright
           Scene 2: Maggie and Bright
           Scene 3: Tracy and Bright
           Scene 4: Bright, Maggie and Tracy

ACT II: Scene 1: Jonson, Maggie and Bright
            Scene 2: Tracy and Bright
            Scene 3: Bright and Maggie
            Scene 4: Jonson, Maggie and Bright

ACT III: Scene 1: Bright, Maggie and Tracy
             Scene 2: Tracy, Bright and Maggie
             Scene 3: Soliloquy of Maggie

Scene 1: Tracy and Bright

Tracy: (Alone in the living room, after serving tea, she calls) darling! Darling!
Bright:  (Replies) yes darling.
Tracy: Come to take a cup of tea! (He arrives and sits and she gives him a cup of
Bright: (Smiling) Thank you dear! (He drinks little by little)
Tracy: Not at all! (In a low voice) Darling! I had had an idea (smiling)
Bright: (Surprised) an idea? Which one?
Tracy: As you know we got married ten years ago. But till now we haven’t a child.
          Then, I’d like to ask you if we can look for an orphan to breed.
Bright: (By nodding his head) that’s quit great! It’s a good idea. But, let me go to ask
          my mum and I will give you a good answer after getting my mum’s viewpoint
          about that.
Tracy: It doesn’t matter. (Happy) I hope she will appreciate it too. And God himself
           may appreciate and gives us a child (smiling)!
Bright: I hope so (smiling)!
Tracy: Well! I got such idea when yesterday I saw at the hospital a woman with a 
          baby who lost his parents and that woman was crying for rescue and help for
          that baby.
Bright: (Shocked) Oh my goodness! What a pity! Darling! Why didn’t you bring that
          baby (requesting).
Tracy: No, I didn’t do so because we were not together to decide it. If I were to bring
          him without your agreement, you would not accept and I may suffer. That’s why
          I asked you permission before I bring him. And I have the cell phone of that
          woman, once you allow me to bring that baby, I’ll call her.
Bright: Yeah, wait me a little! I will tell you to call her after getting my mum’s
           wiewpoint about that.
Tracy: It’s OK.
Bright: (He stands up) let me go to job. I will inform you when I will be back.
Tracy: I really thank you der. Bye (by kissing him)
Bright: Bye (he goes out)

Scene 2: Maggie and Bright

Maggie: (Alone at home, she yawns) Oh my goodness! I’m very tired and I don’t
                      know why! (She sits down on a mat and Bright knocks at the door) yes,
            come in!
Bright: (He comes in and greets his mother) mum! Why were you talking alone?
Maggie: (Smiling) have you heard me?
Bright: (Sitting on a chair beside her) yea, I heard your voice but I didn’t catch what
            you were talking about.
Maggie: (Laughing) it was the whispering of the old. I was saying that I’m tired.
Bright: Really? What have you been doing?
Maggie: Nothing. But I came from the market few minutes ago. You come after an
            instant I arrived
Bright: That’s why you’re tired. Then mum I come here to ask you one thing
Maggie: (Astonished) one thing? Which one?
Bright: In the morning, before I went to work, while I and my wife were taking a cup
           of tea, she told me that she had had an idea.
Maggie: (Surprised) an idea? Which one?
Bright: You know that we it’s about ten years we got married. But till now, we haven’t
            a child. So she asked me if we can look for an orphan to breed. That’s why I
            pass here to ask you an opinion about that.
Maggie: Looking at him steadily) Bright!!
Bright: Yes, mum! (Glaring at her)
Maggie: (Furious) instead of checking how your wife can be pregnant and give birth
           to a child, you’re looking for an orphan to breed (with a rising voice)? I’m really
Bright: (Unhappy) but, why?
Maggie: (Very sad) frankly, I’m not along with you. And if you can accept it I may
             show you a way so that your wife can be pregnant
Bright: (Surprised) serious! Please! Tell me, mum!
Maggie: Go at home! Force your wife to go to the witch so that he can be treated.
Bright: (Happy a little bit) Are you really sure that she can be pregnant and give birth
            to a baby?
Maggie: for sure!!
Bright: (Requesting) but, why didn’t you tell me that before?
Maggie: My son, I was going to tell you that very soon.
Bright: (Talking to him) I am not sure that she can be pregnant because a witch don’t
            create as God does it (sad)
Maggie: (Convincing him) please! Bright credit me and believe in what I told you.
Bright: tell me the truth! Are you really sure that it will possible that she will be
              pregnant if she goes to the witch to be treated?
Maggie: I swear you, she will be pregnant and I’m sure because I know many who
             were like her and who had been treated by the witch and gave birth to
            children. You need only to hope.
Bright: (Pleased) oh my God! I am very glad to hear that. I too, let me hope that it will
           be like that. Then let me go home and tell her that. I hope she’ll accept.
Maggie: Yeah. If she accepts, you call me to escort her to the witch.
Bright: Of course yes. (He stands up) bye (he goes out)
Maggie: Bye. (Alone) If his wife refuses, I will have to go to the witch with my son.

Scene 3: Tracy and Bright

Tracy: (Alone in the living room) why my husband doesn’t come? (Thinking) my God!
            What happened to him? Let me wait for him (she sits down and her husband
            knocks at the door) yes come in! Welcome darling!
Bright: (Greeting her) how are you?
Tracy: I am well dear. But I was wondering what’s wrong with you because today you
           have been too late.
Bright: (Laughing) have you already forgotten what I told you in the morning? Don’t
             you remember that I told that after leaving my office I will pass to my mum’s?
Tracy: (Laughing a lot) I’ve already forgotten it because you were too late. So, what
            did she suggest?
Bright: (Unhappy) she didn’t really appreciate it.
Tracy: (Not happy and astonished) why not?
Bright: She told me that instead of looking for a child to breed, we have to go to the
            witch so as you can be treated and be pregnant in order to give birth to a
Tracy: (She sniggers) I am sorry! I didn’t catch, can you repeat once again (furious)?
Bright: Yes I can. But listen to me carefully
Tracy: (Very sad) go on!
Bright: Mum told me that we’d rather go to the witch so that you can be treated and
             become pregnant than check an orphan to breed.
Tracy: (Very strict) OK. What am I going to do to the witch (requesting)?
Bright: to be treated?
Tracy: (Furious) Darling, I swear you, I can’t go to the witch and I will never go there.
            And I repeat once again, I can’t go to the witch.
Bright: (Trying to convince her) No dear, we have to go there? Don’t you want
            to get a child?
Tracy: To get a child thanks to the witch? Never!
Bright: Convincing her) darling, don’t worry about that. Mum ensured me that she
             knows many who have been treated by the witch and who have got children.
Tracy: Yes, it may be possible and I understand. But let me ask you. I think and I
           hope that you know that a child is a gift from God. So how a witch can be able
           to provide children? Can you bear that a witch is like God?
Bright: I can’t confirm that a witch is like God but a witch can heal people as God
             does it. Let me ask you! Can you explain why patients go to the hospital to be
            healed whereas only God can provide the health?
Tracy: (Strict) please, excuse me dear, I’m not fighting with you. I have already told
            you that I can’t go to the witch, unless you bring me there after I will be died.
            So I change nothing because I’ve already decided. (She stands up) if you
            want, you will go there with your mother because whether you go there or not,
            it’s your business. Let me go (she goes).
Bright: (Alone and very sad) oh my goodness! What can I do? (Talking to him) Can I
             inform mum that my wife refused to go to the witch? (Thinking) No, let me tell
             her that she accepted and tomorrow morning, she will come earlier to help
             me to convince her. Let me call her (he calls) hello mum, tomorrow morning,
             come earlier to escort my wife to the witch (he hangs up). I think that my wife
             will accept because mum knows how she will persuade her.

Scene 4: Bright, Maggie and Tracy

Bright: (Alone in the living room, talking to him) why is mum late? (He looks at his
             watch and his mother knocks at the door) yes, come in! Welcome mum!
Maggie: (She greets him) how are you?
Bright: I am fine
Maggie: Why are you alone? Where is your wife?
Bright: She in the bedroom. (He calls her) darling! Darling!
Tracy: Yes darling!
Bright: Come! (She comes and sits beside him) darling, mum comes to escort you to
            the witch.
Tracy: To escort me to the witch? Who told her that today I want to go to the witch?
           (She sniggers) I am really surprised.
Maggie: (Surprised and furious) Bright, did you tell me to come here, early in the
            morning in order to see how your life is rude?
Bright: (He tries to calm his mother) no, mum! If think she wants to know if it is I who
            told you to come to escort her to the witch. (Talking to his wife) It’s I who told
            her to come.
Tracy: (Furious) OK. What am I going to do to the witch?
Bright: As I told you it yesterday, you’re going to be treated so that you can be
             pregnant and give birth to a child.
Tracy: (Loudly) what?
Maggie: (She tries to calm and convince her) calm down and listen me my
Tracy: I am listening to you.
Maggie: My son has told me your idea and it was the good one. But I didn’t really
              appreciate it.
Tracy: Why didn’t you?
Maggie: Because it may be shameful to breed a child who is not yours. People will
            night and day laugh at you.
Tracy: I don’t fear. People will laugh at me, but God will bless me.
Maggie: No, don’t say that! You have to get your own child.
Tracy: (Requesting) how can I get my own child?
Maggie: (Smiling) very easy! When you will go to the witch, you will be treated and
             things will be very well!
Tracy: (Very sad) sorry! I don’t catch what you want to mean!
Maggie: I wanted to mean that after the treatment of the witch you will be pregnant
            and after you will get your own child.
Tracy: I don’t think so! A witch cannot provide children because he is not like God.
           Only God can be able to provide children because He is the creator.
Maggie: Of course a witch is not like God but a witch can do what God does.
Tracy: What? (She sniggers) Don’t make me laugh! May be you’re foolish (strict and
           furious) don’t you be ashamed to utter such words?
Maggie: (Very furious) please! Don’t insult me!
Tracy: I don’t insult you, It’s like a wink for you!
Maggie: Bright, do you see how rude and inflexible is your wife?
Bright: No, mum. May be she will understand after because now you see that she is
           angry with us.
Tracy: I will never accept to go to the witch unless you bring me there after killing me!
          (She sobs) You refused my idea of looking for a child to breed and you come to
           convince me to go to where I don’t know. (She swears them) I swear you,
          whether you go there or not, it’s your business. Anyway, let me go (she goes).
Maggie: (Astonished) Bright, what can we do then? She refuses categorically.
Bright: Let us go alone! Is there any problem?
Maggie: yeah, there is a problem because if she we go alone there, the witch will ask
             us where is your wife. (Thinking) But let’s go! We will try to explain all to the
Bright: That’s great! Let’s go!

Scene 1: Jonson, Maggie and Bright

Jonson: (alone and doing gestures by crying) Aaaaa….aaah!!! My spirits are very
               powerful! Eeee…eeeh!!! They tell there are people who come here! You
               who come here stop! Before you enter I have to ask a permission to my
               spirits. (He does gestures) Now you can enter (with a raucous voice)
Maggie: (stammering and quivering) hello sir!
Jonson: hello! What is your problem (loudly)? What can I help you?
Maggie: (afraid and stammering) sir we come here if you can help us. In fact, I have a
              daughter-in-law who is married for five years but who has not given a birth to
               a child yet. So we come here to ask you if you can help us;
Jonson: Eeeeeh… this very easy. But where is the one that I’m going to heal?
Bright: (quivering and stammering) Sir, she is my wife. She refused to come with us?
Maggie: (requesting) Sir, I hope even she is not now here you can do all your best
              and. I know that you are powerful.
Jonson: Yeeees…. (With a continuous voice) I’m more powerful than how you think.
               Then let me ask my spirits if they can heal that woman and get pregnant
Maggie: (Clapping) yes sir. We will be thankful.
Jonson: (He starts doing his gestures of witchcraft and cries) my spirits from the four
               corners of the world come and help me to heal the woman that these people
               in front of me told me. Do all your best so that in few days she will be
               pregnant (silence). (Nodding his head) I know that you are powerful. Thanks
               a lot! Thanks a lot! (He does again his gestures of witchcraft) (Talking to
               Bright and his mother) My spirits told me that you have to pay two hundreds
               thousands Burundi Francs (B/F 200,000). (Loudly) First, put here one
               hundred thousand Burundi Francs (B/F 100,000) (he gives them a calabash)
Bright: (trembling) here you are, sir.
Jonson: If you put in less than the sum I told you, it’s up to you.
Bright: I think that I didn’t err while counting. I put in the sum you told us.
Jonson: Good. (Talking to Bright) Listen carefully! Go home and you will come after
               two days with your wife with the sum that is left.
Bright: Yes sir. Thank you, bye (they go out).
Jonson: (Alone and laughing a lot) Haahaahaa… (He does his gestures by dancing
             and counting his bundle of notes he possesses) One, two, three, four … it’s
             very much. My supernatural power of will make me live like a god. (Laughing
              and doing gestures) hahahaaa…

Scene 2: Tracy and Bright

Tracy: (Alone and complaining) why don’t they come back? (She sniggers and talks
            to herself) Will they spend the night to the witch? Whatever they will do, I will
            never go to the witch unless they bring me there after my death. They refused
            what would be very good and appreciable and they want me to escort them to
             Satan. Never! (Bright knocks at the door) Yes! Come in! The door is open.
Bright: (Tired and unhappy) How are you darling?
Tracy: It’s fine a little bit. What about you? Are you tired?
Bright: Of course yes.
Tracy: I’m sorry to hear that, dear. And I know that you are hungry too. Can I bring
           something to eat?
Bright: I’m really very hungry because I’ve been walking for many miles. Before you
          bring me the meal, wait for a while (unhappy).
Tracy: Do you want to take a rest?
Bright: No. I want to discuss with you.
Tracy: (Surprised) with me?
Bright: Yes of course
Tracy: (Not interested) OK. What is new (she seats beside him)
Bright: when we arrived to the witch, he asked why you didn’t escort us and we tried
            to explain him  and before we return back he obliged me that after two days
             we will go  with you.
Tracy: (Furious) what do you want to say? I didn’t catch anything. Could you repeat
             once again?
Bright: (Very sad) My goodness! Do you mean that your ears are suffering? Darling,
              don’t play with me please! Listen arefully and be serious because this is not
              an easy issue.
Tracy: I’m listening to you
Bright: I was telling you that the witch obliged me to bring you at him in two days.
Tracy: (She giggles) I have told you that I cannot go to the witch, rain or shine (very
Bright: Are you serious (angry and chocked)
Tracy: For sure! I cannot go to the witch unless you bring me there after my death.
            And if you continue bothering me with that, let me leave you alone (she goes)
Bright: (Stands up and begs her by calling) Darling! Darling! (Very angry, he nods his
             head from left to right) My goodness!! What is kind of life am I living in? What
             can I do? (Thinking) God, why didn’t you give a child whereas others have
             more than ten? What is my fault? If I am a sinner and that you want to punish
             me like that, let me know. If there something wrong I have done, (he kneels
             down) forgive me please!

Scene 3: Bright and Maggie

Bright: (Alone in the living room, talking to him by complaining) my wife has refused
             to escort me to the witch. But even she refused, I do all my best so that she
             can be pregnant. (Maggie knocks at the door) Yea, come in!
Maggie: (She enters and greets him) why were you whispering?
Bright: (Unhappy) I was complaining that my wife refused to escort me to the witch.
Maggie: (Angrily) Did she really refuse?
Bright: Of course yes. I tried to explain her for many times but she didn’t agree with
            because she is very angry with us.
Maggie: (Very furious) Bright my son, let’s go alone. We will try to explain it to the
             witch and I hope that he will understand. Only remember to bring his reward.
Bright: That’s great. (Unhappy) But I am afraid that when the witch will give us
              medicines to give her, she won’t accept.
Maggie: Don’t worry my son. I will show you how you will proceed.
Bright: (Surprised and happy a little) this sounds good. Then let’s go! (They go out).

Scene 4: Jonson, Maggie and Bright

Jonson: (Alone doing gestures and crying loudly) my spirits from, my sprits from all
               lakes, seas and oceans, come and make me strong (he cries and cries with
              a continuous voice). Thanks a lot my spirit (with a low voice). Eh! My spirits
               tell me that there are people who come here. Welcome! (He does
              witchcraft’s gestures).
Maggie: Sir, we return back as you told you
Jonson: OK. But where is the woman I told you to come back with?
Bright: (Quivering and stammering) she refused to come with us.
Jonson: Oh! It would be better if you were with your life. But let me do all my best (he
               does witchcraft’s gestures). Eh! Have you brought the money which is left?
Bright: Yes sir.
Jonson: Good! Put them here (he gives him a calabash).
Bright: Here you are sir!
Jonson: Listen me then carefully! (He takes a flask of powder of root medicines) take
              this flask of medicine! You’ll open when you’ll arrive at home. Before eating,
              you will put in the dish of meal of your wife one spoonful and after you will jolt
              it in other to mix. Do you catch me well (loudly)?
Bright: (Trembling) ye… yes sir. I’m following.
Jonson: If you do not proceed as I told you, it’s up to you.
Maggie: (Talking to Bright in a whispering manner) If you didn’t catch well what he
             told you, ask him to repeat.
Bright: (Talking to his mother in a whispering manner) No, I caught what he told me
               and I hope that when we will arrive home you will remind me what I will be
Maggie: (Whispering) yes.
Jonson: (Frightens them by crying) O…oh, o…oh (doing witchcraft’s gestures).
Maggie: (Surprised and frightened) Oh my God!
Jonson: Don’t say God here. My spirit may disappear.
Maggie: (Afraid) yes sir. So we want to go home. Thanks (they go out)
Jonson: (Alone doing gestures and dancing by singing) when my spirits wake up, I
               get money. For sure, I will never die (with a singsong voice). I will really be
               alive for eternity thank to my power. (He laughs loudly) ha-ha-ha ha-ha….

Scene 1: Bright, Maggie and Tracy

Bright: (In the living room, he takes the flask of medicines and asks his mother) hey,
             mum! Remind me what the witch told me. I’ve forgotten how I’m going to
              proceed when qt the moment of giving him this medicine.
Maggie: What! Let me think a little bit (thinking) hum… yea, the witch told you that
               before eating, you will put one or two spoonfuls of that medicine in the dish
               of meal of your wife. You will have to jolt it in order to mix it. Alright!
Bright: (Asking) one or two spoonfuls?
Maggie: Yea. But I don’t remember well if it is one or two.
Bright: OK. I think that I will remember it myself. (Tracy comes in and he hides
              quickly the flask of medicines).
Tracy: (Greeting them and sits beside his husband) how are you?
Maggie: It’s quite fine and we come from the witch. We arrived few minutes qgo.
Tracy: (Unhappy but smiling ironically) OK. That’s great. So, what were you
            discussing about?
Bright: (Surprised, he looks at his mother) hum…
Maggie: (Looking at his son, she laughs a little) we were talking how our travel round
               trip from the witch was so tiring.
Tracy: Oh! I’m sorry to hear that. I think, except that you’re very tired, you’re very
             hungry too. May I bring you something to eat?
Bright: We’re really tired but we’re not hungry. Darling, I am very glad today
Tracy: (Surprised and smiling) my goodness! What makes you so glad dear?
Bright: (Smiling) what made me glad is that the witch ensured me that you will be
              pregnant in few days to come.
Tracy: (Instantly) stop! You’re in the wrong. (Very strict and furious) the witch is not
            God. If it was God who ensured you about that, I would be really very gladder
            than you. I’ll never believe in witchcraft because the witches are the liars who
            ensure people that they’re good at healing and the latter give them a huge
            amount of money as you did.
Maggie: (Convincing her) hope it! Your husband told you the truth. You’ll be pregnant
             soon and you will give birth to your own child.
Tracy: No. I don’t hope so. The witch is not God.
Maggie: Really, the witch is not God, but he can be in parallel with Him.
Tracy: (She stands up) what? Aren’t you ashamed to utter that? Don’t besmirch God!
             Anyway, I can’t stay with you. You’re dominated by the evil from the witch.
            Therefore, let me go (she leaves them alone in the living room).
Maggie: (Exclaiming) Bright, maybe she heard what we were talking about before                  
              she came in.
Bright: I don’t think so.
Maggie: Good! Let me go home, I will come back after. I hope you remember what
             the witch prescribed you.
Bright: Yes I do.
Maggie: (She stands up) OK. Bye (she goes out).
Bright: Bye. (Alone) my God, my heart is not calm I don’t know why! (Talking to
            himself) If I do not proceed as the witch told me, will my wife die? (Thinking)
            no. Let me hope that nothing will happen for God’s sake.

Scene 2: Tracy, Bright and Maggie

Tracy: (After served the meal she calls) Darling! Darling!
Bright: Yes, darling!
Tracy: It’s time for lunch. (He comes) Eh! I forgot to bring water. (She goes to bring
Bright: (Alone, he takes the flask of medicines) Let me put in her meal this medicine
            and in few days she will be pregnant. I’m sure that she will be glad even if she
            refused to escort us to the witch. (He puts in her wife’s dish of meal two
            spoonfuls and jolts as the witch told him).
Tracy: (She comes with a bottle of water) Dear, let us pray (they pray) good appetite!
Bright: (Looking at her steadily) Thanks likewise, dear.
Tracy: (She eats one, two spoonfuls chews and swallows and cries) Oh, darling. I’m
           dying (groaning).
Bright: (Surprised and afraid) my goodness! What’s wrong dear?
Tracy: (Groaning by crying) I feel stomachache! Oh darling, I’m suffering so much
Bright: (Shocked and very sad) darling, let me take you to the hospital
Tracy: No, no… Let it! I’m dying; I’m dying (with a little and descending voice and she
           dies away).
Bright: (Screaming, mourning and complaining) No, no! Haven’t I proceed as the
              witch told me? Maybe… I put in two spoonfuls instead of one! My Lord,
              forgive me! (After a small silence, he cries a lot) I can’t accept this! I
              too, I have to die and die with her. Perhaps we will get a child in paradise
              (he takes a spoon to eat the foods of her wife and his mother comes in)
Maggie: (Panting a lot because she came by rapidly after hearing Bright crying) my
             son! My son, what happened?
Bright: (Angrily and crying) don’t you see what you did?
Maggie: Oh my God! (Shocked) what have I done, Bright (She hasn’t seen her
              daughter-in-law’s corpse yet).
Bright: Look! (He shows her his wife’s corpse).
Maggie: (Surprised and shocked) my goodness. O Lord, forgive us, it’s our fault
Bright: (Talking to his mother) you urged me to go to the witch whereas my wife had
              a good idea of looking for an orphan to breed. Because of that, I too, I have
               to die (he eats the poisoned food, groans and dies away in front of his
Maggie: (Not finding what to do, she cries and sobs) my God! Why am I passing all
              through this? Please forgive for what’s wrong I have done. It’s really my fault.

Scene 3: Soliloquy of Maggie

Maggie: (Complaining) my Lord, I beg you to forgive me. Now my son and my
                daughter-in-law are dead. All this happened because of me who urged my
                son to force her wife to go to the witch to be treated so that she can be
                pregnant and give birth to a child. I have nothing no choice and I have
                nothing to do. I’m very shocked and I don’t know how to support this
                sorrow. My heart is going to explode. I neglected what my daughter-in-law
                told me about witchcraft whereas it was a real truth. I considered as true
                what others told me whereas they lied me. Then now, I myself conclude
                that it’s no worth believing in the witchcraft because the witchcraft is



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