Homosexuality Is The Crime of Humanity

Is the crime of humanity.

When I think about homosexuality, I can’t sleep
Because my heart and my soul scream, cry and weep

When I think about homosexuality
My heart and my soul are not in stability
And therefore I miss the tranquility
Of my body and my spirit
And therefore I pain and I risk to explode and split

No one can tell me that homosexuality is modernity
By trying to convince me that we have to change our mentality
And practice what is full of shame and humiliation
By dropping our customs and tradition.

 If you don’t read the bible, it will be hard on you because you’ll always do whatever you want and you will miss even your identity
And therefore you’ll suffer and suffer for eternity.
If you are not ignorant
Listen to me carefully because I’m sure that what I am saying is very important.

I hope you know that you're born because there had been fecundation
Then, if you are expert, explain me how there will be fecundation with homosexuality.
Please, listen to me and let me continue! Tell me if homosexuality becomes point of gravity of the world and its generation
How will this world and the universe become as long as homosexuality is the crime of humanity.

I hope you ponder and think, I am sure that you’re human being and I know that you have a brain in such a way you’re able to distinguish what is true from what is false;
Therefore, don’t let our world collapse
Because of your attitude stricken by ignorance
In such a way you’re planning to do something without importance.

Don’t do what even animals never do
Because you’re more intelligent than them and I hope that you’re able to overdo
Something which is worthy of fame
Instead of doing what is full of shame.

Remember that when you’re bad skilled
Satan is very thrilled
Whereas God never be happy at all
Because He wants us to be good skilled above all.

Remember how cities such as Sodom and Gomorrah
Had been destroyed because of the sin of sodomy, which is not far from homosexuality.

Every day I hear talking about PD, the homosexuals
I swear you; this is the announcement of the end of the world.

Please! If you have ears hear
Listen, understand and fear.
You have to bear your mind that homosexuality
Is the crime of humanity.

Frankly speaking, with homosexuality, it will be the end of the world

That's why I am against it wholeheartedly.


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