Message for Believers

Fathers and mothers
Sisters and brothers
I want you to know that God is powerful
In such a way He cannot be compared to any idols which are shameful.
I want you to know that God loves us so much
Because He sent us his Son Jesus Christ who came to save us as such.

Therefore, I take this good time
To urge you to stop every kind of sin, because sin is a crime.
I want you to know that the truth is in the holy bible
Where is and every word is intelligible.

Then, let me step from general to particular
To help the young know that to pray daily God in spectacular.
Young, I want you to be strong.
You have to judge good and abandon what is wrong
In order to be among
God’s children who will declare god’s power
And whose faith will never become lower.

I want to share with you how I knew God
So that you can use the same method.

Previously I was a slave of sin
And my soul was like a rubbish bin
But by praying God daily I struggled to win
And thanks to salvation and redemption
I am always ready to fight against every kind of temptation.
That’s why I declare that God is my very strength
Because with Him, nothing will reduce my life’s length.

I declare also Jesus’ fame
Because with Him, I will never feel shame
But also, I will never lose the game.

He accepted to be crucified so that we become the same
Henceforth he wants us not to rame
But He wants us to be happy and holy in our humanhood
And to love each other in our neighborhood
Reason why, every day, He tries to firm our brotherhood.

I cannot forget to declare that it is the Holy Spirit who reminds me to pray
In such a way I recognize Him as a good friend who will never betray.
Therefore, I bet you that a prayer is a good way
On which no one will delay
Because it is straight and leads to a good place
Where everyone feels at ease because there is no hatred of this or that race.

Then, I want everybody to declare God’s goodness
Because he transforms always our sadness
In a huge gladness.

Everybody has to bear in his mind that God is always ready to cure and secure
Every soul and every heart who want to become pure.

Pray God daily and never be depressed
And thus you will always be blessed.

This poem is addressed to you believers
So that, in faith, you become achievers.

_Artist Boshir Melcky


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