For My Country, Burundi

Burundi is my home, my shelter and my asylum.

My country, listen!
I heard by hearsay that over time you were good
And your people lived in a firm brotherhood.
I heard that your people lived together without quarreling
 In such a way when they met in street, they greeted by smiling.
I heard that your people used to help one another by means of Ikibiri
And because of that there were not divisions, “amacakubiri”.

I heard that over time you had been singing by your children
And their good voices made you widen
Because they sang you in each and every good word
In such a way you were well known over the world.

But now, it is not the case
And you had lost your face.
Over time, your people were unique and united
But now, they have been divided.
Now, Instead of loving and helping one another
They kill each other

Oh! What a pity!
While your children always disappear
While your children are always full of fear
Who will really declare your beauty?

Please, explain
And if I’m not convinced, let me complain!

Please! Tell me why now do your people cohabit like animals by killing each other?
Whereas now it was a good time to live peacefully together?
Why now your children never want to sell you at a good price
By singing your pride in order to paint you with grace and ice?
Why now to sing you is not their duty
Instead, over time, they’re motivated to magnify your beauty?
Why now your children never think of your good future
And thus think of your departure?

My country, listen!
It’s enough, I am fed up.
Let me speak and never tell me shut up!
I want peace and love on your earth
I want life and fraternity, but not hatred and death.

When I think of your hard times
I remember your loss caused by different crimes.
Then, it’s time to say no because crimes are enough to make the angels weep
And this is what never make me well sleep.

I declare that, so as to build our motherland
Now, it’s time to understand
That we have to move hand in hand
And, as far as I’m concerned, I hate terrorists and criminals
By the fact that they want us to cohabit like animals.

My country, listen!
I know you enough
That’s why I beg you to think of peace and love which are thorough.

I bet you, killing, war or instability will never make you fine
But will make you accusative and thus you will never shine
Because killing, war and instability are very tearful
And they are always dangerous and fearful.

My country, listen!
I want to laugh
But I don’t want to cough.

You will never be called a calm country
If there still be killing and troubles on your territory.

In my opinion, I want you to be attractive
And I do not want you to be accusative.
I hope that you’ve understood
And I will be thankful to see you make me be in a good mood.

Now it’s your good time.
Try to stop any kind of crime.

_Artist Boshir Melcky


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